Neuro-Physiological Changes in Menopause and Perimenopause and Our Options: Mental and physical changes, hormones, & self-advocacy
Monica Christmas, MD • Rose Kumar, MD • Deb Matthew, MD • Sarah McKay, DPhil • Felice Gersh, MD • Sharon Stills, NMD • Elena Villanueva, DC, MHHCP
Discover the neuro-physiological changes of menopause and perimenopause on Day One with Monica Christmas, MD, who demystifies menopause by offering insights, solutions, and guidance for self-advocacy. Rose Kumar, MD, follows with a session on recalibrating health through the menopausal gateway. Deb Matthew, MD, explores restoring hormonal balance for a healthy and vibrant life. Sarah McKay, DPhil, shares the science behind the menopause brain, providing strategies for self-rediscovery. Felice Gersh, MD, navigates hormonal changes, discussing estrogen and the role of menopause in super-aging. Sharon Stills, NMD, decodes the hormonal transitions that accompany the menopausal journey, while Elena Villanueva, DC, MHHCP, concludes the day with a session on embracing a holistic path for lasting vitality and wellness.
Embracing Physical and Emotional Self-Care: Hormones, natural remedies, nutrition, exercise, sleep, sex, meditation, energy, relationships, cultural, & social advocacy
Seane Corn • Claudia Welch, DOM • JJ Virgin, CNS, BCHN, EP-C • Kim Vopni • Chloe Weber, DACM, LAc • Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD
Day Two focuses on physical and emotional self-care, starting with Seane Corn, who explores yoga as a pathway to menopausal transformation. Claudia Welch, DOM, follows with Ayurvedic wisdom, offering strategies to optimize menopausal health and well-being. JJ Virgin, CNS, BCHN, EP-C, shares powerful insights on aging with strength, health, and the best mindset to thrive during this phase of life. Kim Vopni highlights the importance of pelvic floor health as a foundation for menopausal wellness. Chloe Weber, DACM, LAc, presents the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in cultivating harmony and balance throughout the menopausal journey. Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD, concludes the day by unlocking the connection between the gut microbiome and hormones, revealing its impact on menopausal wellness and vitality.
Embracing Physical and Emotional Self-Care: Hormones, natural remedies, nutrition, exercise, sleep, sex, meditation, energy, relationships, cultural, & social advocacy
Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer • Daisy Lee • Tamara Mutter • DaeEss 1Drea Pennington Wasio, MD • Stephanie Estima, DC • Nathalie Niddam, CNP, BPC
Day Three delves into the intersection of physical and emotional self-care, beginning with Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, who reframe the menstrual and menopausal experience, transforming outdated narratives into empowering possibilities. Daisy Lee follows with a session on rediscovering your radiance through the ancient wisdom of Qigong, offering tools for balance and vitality. Tamara Mutter explores the keys to fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle, empowering women to navigate menopause with strength and confidence. DaeEss 1Drea Pennington Wasio, MD, discusses sacred practices of self-love and self-care, reframing menopause as a beautiful, transformative journey. Stephanie Estima, DC, shares strategies to master fitness and nutrition for strength, health, and balance during menopause. The day concludes with Nathalie Niddam, CNP, BPC, who reveals how biohacking peptides can revolutionize menopausal health and support lasting vitality.
Women Thriving During and After Menopause: Lifestyle, sexuality, empowered women, & aging well
Marisa Peer • Susan Willson, CNM • Chen Lizra • Anodea Judith, PhD • Juliana Hauser, PhD • Claire Zammit, PhD
Day Four is dedicated to empowering women to thrive during and after menopause, focusing on embracing lifestyle changes, sexuality, and aging with grace. Marisa Peer opens the day by exploring the transformational power of menopause, encouraging women to embrace this stage as an opportunity for liberation and self-discovery. Susan Willson, CNM, continues by reframing menopause as a natural and celebratory life milestone, guiding women to embrace this transition with pride and strength. Chen Lizra offers insights on how healing from past trauma and reclaiming sensuality can lead to graceful aging and a renewed sense of vitality. Anodea Judith, PhD, shares wisdom on unlocking the spiritual and empowering aspects of menopause, guiding women towards a deeper sense of purpose and awakening. Juliana Hauser, PhD, delves into how women can redefine their sexuality and reclaim agency, fostering a positive and empowered relationship with aging. Claire Zammit, PhD, concludes the day by highlighting the importance of harnessing feminine power to create growth, lasting impact, and a meaningful legacy in the world.
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